Stanislav Osipov

CEO, Co-founder
CEO, Co-founder
Stanislav Osipov

Meet Stanislav Osipov, CEO of KAPPS. He has over eight years of experience in the game dev industry as a Unity developer, designing solutions for multiple game dev leaders, like One Signal and Moon Studios.


Thanks to that, KAPPS team has had a chance to work on significant projects of big development companies. Besides, he worked as ECS Developer in Unity Technologies, contributing to Project Tiny, UI Elements, UI Builder projects.

He got recognition for the development of assets that help the best developers to save their time. Today, they are widely used, while the plugins designed by Stan are at the top of Asset Store by the number of downloads.

Stan’s expertise is the designation of the architecture of apps. He has worked with many programming languages and technologies. Still, he prefers using Unity3D as the primary tool in C#, Java, and Objective-C programming.

Stanislav recent articles

9 min read
By Stanislav Osipov
April 13, 2022

An amusing story of how we almost killed our product

Unity is one of the most popular game engines in the world. Now our team creates...
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By Stanislav Osipov
March 28, 2022

War stories

The war took us by surprise: someone heard the first explosions at home, and someone learned...
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By Stanislav Osipov
February 3, 2022

Improving a Unity project: what is ECS and is it worth using it in development

Today, there is plenty amount of information about how well Unity ECS performs compared to MonoBehaviour....
22 min read
By Stanislav Osipov
December 3, 2021

Why outsourcing team is more profitable than hiring one on-staff developer?

Recently we’ve been asked if we could find an application developer for an external company. Since...