We stand with Ukraine

3 min read
We stand with Ukraine
By Pavel Klymentenko
March 15, 2022

The war has found each of us in different positions and situations. But we’re all united by our willingness to win and help those in need. Some of us just don’t know how to do it in the best way, so we’ve created an easy guide on different ways how to support Ukrainians right now. Choose the best one for you, and just click on the links below to do so. Any little help can already make a change. Glory to Ukraine! Слава Україні!

  1. Through the Privat Bank, leave your donations via the bank app for Dobro fund or the Ukrainian Armed Force.
  2. Through the National Bank of Ukraine.
  3. Join the HelpList website for requests for help of various kinds.
  4. Help social assistance in Kremenchuk (a woman simply buys baby food and diapers and delivers them, and she requires money for the goods and delivery). Card number to transfer money 4441 1144 4913 6637.
  5. Purchase of pharmacy and distribution to Kharkov hospitals. Card number to transfer money 5457 0822 2693 6354 (Kirienko Andriy).
  6. Who’s in Montenegro – visiting local military offices in Podgorica and buy everything necessary for military needs (from clothes to thermal imagers) or help refugees. DM us, if you’re interested to help here.
  7. Help Carfinder, the guys are engaged in the selection of cars, we know them personally. They collect money for cars and the needs of the army, they also buy walkie-talkies, armor, and thermal imagers.
  8. Bot for Ukrainian Borders.

ALSO, please send us contacts of local volunteers you know personally. We’ll be updating our article with new info on helping every day! Because in addition to the army, millions of families in Ukraine need housing, food, and money.

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about the author
Pavlo Klymentenko
CBDO, Tech Lead, Co-founder
Pavlo is a Co-founder, CBDO and Tech Lead of KAPPS. Pavel has solid skills and 6+ years of experience in Unity development. He has a passion to making cutting-edge core features, architecture design, Editor Tools for any purposes and optimizing the development process. His team added to the creation of optimization tools for the Ori Will of the Wisps project under cooperation with Moon Studios. He worked on exciting projects with Roomful and cooperated with such a game dev leader as Rogue Sun.

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